Frontline Workers Lead the Way at “Mentors In Motion: Inspiring Each Other and Building Community”

“I have never attended anything like this!” was the day’s refrain, as 250 people from California and five other states attended Mentors In Motion: Inspiring Each Other and Building Community, the annual meeting of California Transit Works! (CTW) on January 27, 2024. This historic meeting was the largest gathering of public transit High Road Training Partnerships (HRTPs) in the country, featuring the leadership and voice of frontline workers themselves. The entire event was organized by current and former peer mentors/mentor coordinators and supported by CTW and its labor/management partnerships...(continue reading)
(Click PARTNERSHIPS Tab in Menu Bar for More Information)
Joint Workforce Investment (JWI)
VTA / ATU 265

Progress in Action (PIA) 
AC Transit / ATU 192

Workforce Investment Network (WIN) 
Golden Gate Transit / ATU 1575

Partners Moving Forward (PMF) 
SacRT / ATU 256

San Joaquin Driving Force (SJDF)

Samtrans Mentor and Resource Team (SMART)
SamTrans / ATU 1574

Mentors In Motion (MIM)
MST Monterey-Salinas Transit / ATU 1225

RTA / ATU 1277

​Metro Saint Louis / ATU Local 788
Rolling With Knowledge (RWK)
OmniTrans / ATU 1704

Pomona Technicians Apprenticeship Program 
Foothill Transit / ATU 1756

Sun Line Transit Agency / ATU 1277

LA Metro / ATU 1277

TriMet and Lane Transit / ATU Local 757 (Oregon)

Mentor Apprenticeship Program (MAP)
IndyGo / ATU 1070 (Indianapolis)

Seattle King County / ATU 587

Cleveland RTA / ATU 268
X (Twitter)